Loading distribution of the species

Validity of the taxon



Eurhynchium meridionale (Schimp. ex Sendt.) De Not.
D00002 - Losada-Lima, A., González-Mancebo, J. M.

Geographic locations

Location Lotus67
Situation Tenerife
Year 1974
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Mesa Mota (600-700 m.s.m.)
Situation Tenerife
Year 1973
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Lotus67
Situation Tenerife
Year 1974
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Pico del Inglés (900 m.s.m.)
Situation Tenerife
Year 1974
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 1
Location Ruigómez (800-900 m.s.m.)
Situation Tenerife
Year 1974
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2