Referenz Expert C00683
Sobre el taxon Plagiothecium succulentum (Wilson) Lindb.

Vollständiger Titel

Sobre el taxon Plagiothecium succulentum (Wilson) Lindb.


Losada-Lima, A.



Gehörigen Dokumente

Code Autoren Jahr Document title
C00001 Dirkse, G. M., Bouman, A. C., Losada-Lima, A. 1993 Bryophytes of the Canary Islands, an annotated checklist
C00012 Losada-Lima, A., González-Mancebo, J. M., Beltrán-Tejera, E. 1993 Contribution to the Bryologycal Knowledge of the Reserve of the Biosphere "El Canal y Los Tiles" (La Palma, Canary Islands)
C00327 Bryhn, N. 1908 Ad Cognitionem Bryophytorum Archipelagi Canariensis

Bibliographische Daten

Datum des Berichts 23-11-2000
Dokumentseiten 1
Schlüsselwörter TAXONOMIE

Data Management

Betreiber Rodríguez Núñez, Sofía
Supervisor Rodríguez Núñez, Sofía
hoch 28-11-2000
Rezension 28-11-2000
Endorsement Supervisor 19-11-2003
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