Publicación D00144
Habitat characteristics and the seed crop affecting selection of winter feeding sites of an endemic pine forest bird specialist, the blue chaffinch Fringilla teydea: the fist step for recovery with implications for conservation management.

Título completo

Habitat characteristics and the seed crop affecting selection of winter feeding sites of an endemic pine forest bird specialist, the blue chaffinch Fringilla teydea: the fist step for recovery with implications for conservation management.


García del Rey, E.
Gil, L.
Nanos, N.
López de Heredia, U.
Gil-Muñoz, P.
Fernández-Palacios, J. M.

Datos bibliográficos

Tipo Trabajo en revista
Revista Bird Study
Volumen 56
Número 2
Páginas 168-176
Páginas documento 5
Palabras clave BIOGEOGRAFÍA



Datos de gestión

Operador de la Cruz López, Salvador
Supervisor de la Cruz López, Salvador
Alta 09-02-2011
Revisión 11-03-2011
Visto bueno supervisor 11-03-2011
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