Veröffentlichung D00475
The development of whale watching in the canaries after the regulations of 1995: a year of study.

Vollständiger Titel

The development of whale watching in the canaries after the regulations of 1995: a year of study.


Urkiola, E.
Sevilla, J. A.
Iani, V.

Bibliographische Daten

Typ Andere
Leitartikel European Research on Cetaceans
Seiten 58
Dokumentseiten 1
Schlüsselwörter BIOGEOGRAPHIE, Dienstprogramm, Konservierung



Data Management

Betreiber Díaz Solano, Raquel
Supervisor Zurita Pérez, Nieves
hoch 19-07-2011
Rezension 19-07-2011
Endorsement Supervisor 05-06-2012


European Cetacean Society. 11th Annual Conference. Stralsund, 10-12 March 1997. Conference guide.
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