Veröffentlichung D01573
Genetic diversity of a clonal angiosperm near its range limit: the case of Cymodocea nodosa at the Canary Islands.

Vollständiger Titel

Genetic diversity of a clonal angiosperm near its range limit: the case of Cymodocea nodosa at the Canary Islands.


Alberto, F.
Arnaud-Haond, S.
Duarte, C.M.
Serrão, E.A.

Bibliographische Daten

Typ Arbeit im Magazin
Magazin Marine Ecology Progress Series
ISBN 0171-8630
Volumen 309
Seiten 117-129
Dokumentseiten 13
Schlüsselwörter BIOGEOGRAPHIE



Data Management

Betreiber Romaguera García, Francisco Romagera García
Supervisor Romaguera García, Francisco Romagera García
hoch 22-09-2015
Rezension 22-09-2015
Endorsement Supervisor 22-09-2015
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