Publication F00031

Full title

Isozyme differentiation in the endemic genus Argyranthemum (Asteraceae: Anthemideae) in the Macaronesian Islands


Francisco-Ortega, J.
Crawford, D. J.
Santos, A.
Carvalho, J. A.

Bibliographic data

Kind Work in magazine
Magazine Plant Systematics and Evolution
Volume 202
pages 137-152
Document pages 16



Management data

Operator Rodríguez Navarro, María Leticia
Supervisor Vidal Rodríguez, Mercedes
high 02-12-1998
Review 30-05-2005
Seen good supervisor 01-07-2021


Supervisor: Esperanza Beltrán Tejera La distribución de Argyranthemum maderense ha sido precisada por la ref. de experto de F01524.

Code Full name
F01442 Argyranthemum adauctum (Link) Humphries subsp. adauctum
F01443 Argyranthemum adauctum (Link) Humphries subsp. canariense (Sch. Bip.) Humphries
F01444 Argyranthemum adauctum (Link) Humphries subsp. dugourii (Bolle) Humphries
F01445 Argyranthemum adauctum (Link) Humphries subsp. erythrocarpon (Svent.) Humphries
F01446 Argyranthemum adauctum (Link) Humphries subsp. gracile (Sch. Bip.) Humphries
F01447 Argyranthemum adauctum (Link) Humphries subsp. jacobaeifolium (Sch. Bip.) Humphries
F01448 Argyranthemum adauctum (Link) Humphries subsp. palmense A. Santos
F01449 Argyranthemum broussonetii (Pers.) Humphries
F01450 Argyranthemum callichrysum (Svent.) Humphries subsp. gomerensis White
F01451 Argyranthemum callichrysum (Svent.) Humphries subsp. callichrysum
F01452 Argyranthemum coronopifolium (Willd.) Humphries
F01453 Argyranthemum escarrei (Svent.) Humphries
F01454 Argyranthemum filifolium (Sch. Bip.) Humphries
F01455 Argyranthemum foeniculaceum (Willd.) Webb ex Sch. Bip.
F01456 Argyranthemum frutescens (L.) Sch. Bip. subsp. frutescens
F01457 Argyranthemum frutescens (L.) Sch. Bip. subsp. canariae (Christ) Humphries
F01458 Argyranthemum frutescens (L.) Sch. Bip. subsp. foeniculaceum (Pit. & Proust) Humphries
F01459 Argyranthemum frutescens (L.) Sch. Bip. subsp. gracilescens (Christ) Humphries
F01460 Argyranthemum frutescens (L.) Sch. Bip. subsp. parviflorum (Pit. & Proust) Humphries
F01461 Argyranthemum frutescens (L.) Sch. Bip. subsp. pumilum Humphries
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