Publication F01049
Report on the Ilex perado complex of the north atlantic islands (Part II) In: International Dendrology Society Yearbook 1983

Full title

Report on the Ilex perado complex of the north atlantic islands (Part II) In: International Dendrology Society Yearbook 1983


Andrews, S.

Bibliographic data

Kind Chapter of the book
Editorial International Dendrology Society
pages 111-118
Document pages 9



Management data

Operator Rodríguez Núñez, Sofía
Supervisor Beltrán Tejera, Esperanza
high 14-05-2002
Review 05-07-2005
Seen good supervisor 14-05-2010


1.-Se obvia la cita de Sonchus campestris ya que no se conoce su correspondencia taxonómica actual. 2.-Ver Referencias de Experto F00883 y F01070.
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