Publicación F01566
Analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of the volatiles from the fruits of Ammodaucus leucotrichus subsp. leucotrichus and subsp. nanocarpus grow in North Africa and the Canary Islands, respectively.

Título completo

Analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry of the volatiles from the fruits of Ammodaucus leucotrichus subsp. leucotrichus and subsp. nanocarpus grow in North Africa and the Canary Islands, respectively.


Pérez-Alonso, M. J.
Pérez de Paz, P. L.
Palá-Paúl, J.
Sanz, J.

Datos bibliográficos

Tipo Trabajo en revista
Revista Journal of Chromatography A
Número 1108
Páginas 273-275
Páginas documento 2



Datos de gestión

Operador Romaguera García, Francisco Romagera García
Supervisor Beltrán Tejera, Esperanza
Alta 18-05-2006
Revisión 18-05-2006
Visto bueno supervisor 23-04-2010
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