Publication F01641
The utility of automated analysis of inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) loci for resolving relationships in the Canary Island species of Tolpis (Asteraceae)

Full title

The utility of automated analysis of inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) loci for resolving relationships in the Canary Island species of Tolpis (Asteraceae)


Archibald, J.K.
Crawford, D. J.
Santos, A.
Mort, M. E.

Bibliographic data

Kind Work in magazine
Magazine American Journal of Botany
Volume 93
Number 8
pages 1154-1162
Document pages 5



Management data

Operator Morales Delgado, Helena
Supervisor Morales Delgado, Helena
high 29-08-2007
Review 29-08-2007
Seen good supervisor 26-05-2010


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