Publication V00526
The phylogeographic differentiation of the European robin Erithacus rubecula on the Canary Islands revealed by mitochondrial DNA sequence data and morphometrics: evidence for a new robin taxon on Gran Canaria?.

Full title

The phylogeographic differentiation of the European robin Erithacus rubecula on the Canary Islands revealed by mitochondrial DNA sequence data and morphometrics: evidence for a new robin taxon on Gran Canaria?.


Dietzen, C.
Witt, H.
Wink, M.

Bibliographic data

Kind Work in magazine
Magazine Avian Science
Volume 3
Number 2-3
pages 115-131
Document pages 17



Management data

Operator Martín González, María Esther
Supervisor Zurita Pérez, Nieves
high 12-05-2004
Review 12-05-2004
Seen good supervisor 12-12-2016


Supervisor científico: Esther Martín González.
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