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P01246 Alcántara-Carrió, J.,Diz, P.,Alejo, I.,Francés, G.,Alonso, I,Vilas, F. Publication 2000 Contenido en foraminíferos de los depósitos eólicos del istmo de Jandía (Fuerteventura).
D02226 Albrecht, M. Expert reference 2009 Proyecto de Investigación Científica de SHILAP titulado “Fáunula lepidopterológica, Ibérica, Baleárica y Macaronésica”. Datos de observación de M. Albrecht.
D02206 Albo, M. J.,Macías, D.,Bilde, T.,Toft, S. Publication 2017 Mutual benefit from exploitation of female foraging motivation may account for the early evolution of gifts in spiders.
D00946 Alberto-Prieto, M.,Bermúdez, A. Expert reference 2013 Datos inéditos cedidos por Manuel Alberto Prieto y Alfredo Bermúdez para el Banco de Datos de Biodiversidad de Canarias.
P00075 Alberto, F.,Massa, S.,Manent, P.,Diaz-Almela, S.,Arnaud-Haond, S.,Duarte, C.M.,Serrão, E.A. Publication 2008 Genetic differentiation and secondary contact zone in the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa across the Mediterranean–Atlantic transition region.
D01573 Alberto, F.,Arnaud-Haond, S.,Duarte, C.M.,Serrão, E.A. Publication 2006 Genetic diversity of a clonal angiosperm near its range limit: the case of Cymodocea nodosa at the Canary Islands.
A00045 Alba-Tercedor, J.,Báez, M.,Soldán, T. Publication 1987 New records of mayflies of the Canary Islands (Insecta, Ephemeroptera).
D04013 Albaladejo, R. G.,Martín-Hernanz, S.,Reyes-Betancort, J. A.,Santos-Guerra, A.,Olangua-Corral, M.,Aparicio, A. Publication 2020 Reconstruction of the spatio-temporal diversification and ecological niche evolution of Helianthemum (Cistaceae) in the Canary Islands using genotyping-by-sequencing data.
D02175 Albaladejo, G. Publication 2016 Mortandad de Gallotia caesaris (Lehrs, 1914) en una obra abandonada del nordeste de la isla de El Hierro.
D02180 Albaladejo, G. Unpublished study 2014 Caracterización de la población del lagarto canario moteado, Gallotia intermedia, en el Espacio Natural Protegido de la Montaña de Guaza (Tenerife).
A00920 Alarie, Y.,Nilsson, A. N. Publication 1997 Larvae of Stictonectes Brinck: Generic characteristics, description of S. canariensis Machado, and analysis of phylogenetic relationships with other genera of the tribe Hydroporini (Coleoptera: Dytiscidaea).
D01486 Alarie, Y.,Hughes, S. Publication 2006 Re-descriptions of larvae of Hoperius and Meladema and phylogenetic implications for the tribe Colymbetini (Coleoptera Dytiscidae).
A02131 Alarie, Y.,Bilton, D. T. Publication 2001 Larval morphology of Hydrotarsus Falkenst¨röm: Generic characteristics, description of H. compunctus(Wollaston), and analysis of relationships with other members of the tribe Hydroporini (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae, Hydroporinae).
P00253 Akkari, N.,Ganske, A. Publication 2018 Two centipedes new to the fauna of La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) and notes on the Lithobiomorpha of the island (Chilopoda, Myriapoda).
P00188 Akhani, H.,Roalson, E. H. Publication 2007 Diversification of the Old World Salsoleae s.l. (Chenopodiaceae): Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis of Nuclear and Chloroplast Data Sets and a Revised Classification.
P00276 Aistleitner, E.,Barkemeyer, W. Publication 2018 Fragmenta entomofaunistica XXVI. Zur Schwebfliegenfauna der Mittelatlantischen Inseln ("Makaronesien"), im Besonderen der Kapverden (Diptera, Syrphidae).
A01975 Aistleitner, E. Publication 2000 Fragmenta entomofaunistica V- Laufkäfernachweise von den Kanarischen Inseln, Madeira und den Azoren (Coleoptera, Carabidae).
A01452 Ainley, R. G. Publication 1995 Lepidoptera in Fuerteventura (Canary Isle) 1994.
D00041 Ahti, T. T.,Aptroot, A. Publication 2009 Two new species of Cladonia from the Azores.
V00374 Ahlsved, K. J. Publication 1971 Observación de un Estrilda spp. en Canarias.