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P00074 Valdazo, J. A.,Tuya, F.,Viera-Rodríguez, M.A. Publicação 2020 Seasonality in the canopy structure of the endangered brown macroalga Cystoseira abies-marina at Gran Canaria Island (Canary Islands, eastern Atlantic).
D01241 Hazevoet, C.J.,Gravanita, B,López, P.,Wenzel, F.W. Publicação 2011 Seasonality of humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae (Borowski, 1781) records in Cape Verde seas: evidence for the occurrence of stocks from both hemispheres?.
P00767 Landeira, J. M.,Lozano-Soldevilla, F. Publicação 2018 Seasonality of planktonic crustacean decapod larvae in the subtropical waters of Gran Canaria Island, NE Atlantic.
D01367 Herrera, A.,Landeira, J. M.,Tuya, F.,Packard, T.,Espino, F.,Gómez, A. Publicação 2014 Seasonal variability of suprabenthic crustaceans associated with Cymodocea nodosa seagrass meadows off Gran Canaria (eastern Atlanctic).
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F01548 Giannangeli, L.,De Sanctis, A.,Manginelli, R.,Medina, F. M. Publicação 2004 Seasonal variation of the diet of the stone curlew Burhinus oedicnemus at the island of La Palma, Canary islands.
V00549 Giannangeli, L.,De Sanctis, A.,Medina Hijazo, F. M. Publicação 2004 Seasonal variation of the stone curlew Burhinus oedicnemus distinctus at the idland of La Palma, Canary Islands.
D03470 Díaz-Villa, T. ,Sansón, M.,Afonso-Carrillo, J. Publicação 2005 Seasonal variations in growth and reproduction of Sargassum orotavicum (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) from the Canary Islands.
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D02545 Carqué, E.,Marrero Gómez, M. V.,Bañares, A. Publicação 2003 Seed Germination and Dormancy in Echium acanthocarpum Svent. (Boraginaceae), an Endangered Plant of the Canary Islands.
D02518 Machado, A.,Caballer, M.,Díaz-Guerra, J.,Bermejo, J. A.,García, I. L.,Cruz-Simó, T.,Domínguez-González, A. Estudo inédito 2012 Seguimiento ambiental del puerto de Granadilla en fase de obras. Informe anual 2011. OAG_PVA-Gr.3/2012.
D02521 Machado, A.,Caballer, M.,Díaz-Guerra, J.,Bermejo, J. A.,García, I. L.,Domínguez-González, A.,Cruz-Simó, T. Estudo inédito 2013 Seguimiento ambiental del puerto de Granadilla en fase de obras. Informe anual 2012. OAG_PVA-Gr.4/2013.