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D01137 Boyer, F. Publicación 2001 The genus Granulina (Marginellidae) in the Canary Islands.
D03796 Boyer, F. Publicación 1996 Notre couverture: Olivella Oteroi Bermejo.
P00574 Boxshall, G.,Stock, J. H.,Sánchez, E. L. Publicación 1990 A new species of Stephos Scott, 1892 (Copepoda: Calanoida) from an anchihaline lava pool on Lanzarote, Canary Islands.Stygofauna of the Canary Islands 16.
D02860 Boxshall, G.,Iliffe, T. M. Publicación 1987 Three new genera and five new species of misophrioid copepods (Crustacea) from anchialine caves on Indo-West Pacific and North Atlantic Islands.
D02859 Boxshall, G.,Huys, R. Publicación 1989 New Tantulocarid, Stygotantulus stocki, parasitic on Harpacticoid Copepods, with an analysis of the phylogenetic relationship within the maxillopoda.
A00585 Bowman, T. E. Publicación 1989 Lovenula (Neolovenula) alluaudi (Guerne and Richard, 1890) in the Canary Islands (Copepoda: Calanoida: Paradiaptominae). Stygofauna of the Canary Islands, 19.
P00567 Bowman, T. E. Publicación 1986 Halosbaena fortunara, a new thermosbaenacean crustacean from the Jameos del Agua marine lava cave, lanzarote, Canary Islands.
A01976 Bowestead, S. Publicación 1999 A revision of the Corylophidae (Coleoptera) of the West Palaearctic Region.
P00063 Bouza, N.,Caujapé-Castells, J.,González-Pérez, M.A.,Sosa, P. A. Publicación 2006 Genetic structure of natural populations in the red algae Gelidium canariense (Gelidiales, Rhodophyta) investigated by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers.
F01064 Bouza, N.,Caujapé-Castells, J.,González-Pérez, M.A.,Batista. F.,Sosa, P. A. Publicación 2002 Population structure and genetic diversity of two endangered endemic species of the canarian laurel forest: Dorycnium spectabile (Fabaceae) and Isoplexis chalcantha (Scrophulariaceae)
P00710 Bouvier, E. L. Publicación 1925 Crustacés décapodes (Pénéidés) provenant des campagnes de Ï´ Hirondelle et de la Princesse-Alice (1886-1907).
P00713 Bouvier, E. L. Publicación 1917 Crustacés décapodes (Macroures marcheurs) provenant des campagnes des Yachts Hirondelle et Princesse-Alice (1885-1915).
P00714 Bouvier, E. L. Publicación 1922 Observations complémentaires sur les crustacés décapodes (Abstraction faite des Carides).
P00715 Bouvier, E. L. Publicación 1940 Décapodes marcheurs.
A00565 Boutin, C. Publicación 1994 Stygobiology and historical geology: the age of Fuerteventura (Canary Island), as inferred from its present stygofauna.
A01264 Boursin, Ch. Publicación 1957 Vorläufige Diagnosen einiger neuer Phalaenidae von den Kanaren nebst Beschreibung eines neuen Subgenus. (Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Agrotidae-Trifinae, XCVII).
M00109 Bourguignat, J. R. Publicación 1859 Amènites Malacologiques. Note sur les Limaces des iles Madère et Ténériffe.
C00025 Bouman, A. C.,Dirkse, G. M.,Yamada, K. Publicación 1988 Radula jonesii spec. nov. (Hepaticae), a new species from Tenerife
C00023 Bouman, A. C.,Dirkse, G. M. Publicación 1992 The genus Radula in Macaronesia
C00019 Bouman, A. C. Publicación 1991 Grimmia curviseta sp. nov. (Musci) a new species from Tenerife