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12 075 Résultats
Code Auteurs Type de document Année Titre du document Télécharger
V00070 Hartert, E. Publication 1916 Notes on Pigeons. V. The Laurel-pigeons of the Canary Islands.
V00069 Lack, D.,Southern, H. N. Publication 1949 Birds on Tenerife.
V00068 Volsoe, H. Publication 1950 Spring observations on migrants birds in the Canary Islands.
V00067 Niethammer, J. Publication 1953 Der Kolkrabe (Corvus corax) von Fuerteventura, ein Beitrag zur Tiergeographie der östlichen Kanaren.
V00066 Hooker, T. Publication 1958 Birds seen on the eastern Canary Island of Fuerteventura.
V00065 Hemmingsen, A. M. Publication 1958 Field observations of birds in the Canary Islands.
V00064 Knecht, S. Publication 1960 Ein Beitrag zur Erforschung der kanarischen Vogelwelt, insbesondere der Brutvögel, unter hauptsächlicher Berücksichtigung der drei west-lichen Inseln Teneriffa, Gomera und La Palma.
V00063 De Juana Aranzana, E. Publication 1995 Noticiario ornitológico 42 (2).
V00062 Vicente, R. O. Publication 1961 Aves observadas nas imediaçoes do Faro de Jandía, ilha de Fuerteventura (Canárias).
V00061 Hemmingsen, A. M. Publication 1963 Birds on Hierro and the relation of number of species, and of specific abundances and body weights, to island area.
V00060 De Juana Aranzana, E. Publication 1996 Observaciones homologadas de aves raras en España y Portugal. Informe de 1994.
V00059 Wink, M. Publication 1975 Eifund der Bulwersturmschwalbe (Bulweria bulwerii) auf Teneriffa.
V00058 Morphy, M. J. Publication 1965 Some birds of northeast La Palma, Canary Islands, August-September 1963.
V00057 Demuth, H. Publication 1971 Notas sobre ornitología de Gran Canaria.
V00056 Hald-Mortensen, P. Publication 1970 Some preliminary notes from Tenerife.
V00055 López-Jurado, L. F.,Mateo, J. A. Publication 1995 Origin, colonization, adaptative radiation, intrainsular evolution and species substitution processes in the fossil and living lizards of the Canary Islands. In: Llorente et al. (Eds.), Scientia Herpetologica.
V00054 Cuyas Robinson, J. Publication 1971 Algunas notas sobre aves observadas en tres visitas a las Islas Canarias (1964 y 1967).
V00053 Payn, W. H. Publication 1970 Winter notes from Tenerife.
V00052 Herter, K. Publication 1972 Der Igel von Gran Canaria.
V00051 Stumpel, A. H. P. Publication 1972 Waarnemingen aan de herpetofauna van Tenerife (Canarische eilanden).