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Code Authors Document type Year Document title Download
A02295 Cerretti, P. Publication 2005 Revision of the West Paleartic species of the genus Pales Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Tachinidae).
A02294 Oromí, P.,Contreras, H. Expert reference 2006 Material colectado del género Crypticus.
A02293 Jordal, B. H.,Hewitt, G. M. Publication 2004 The Origin and Radiation of Macaronesian Beetles Breeding in Euphorbia: The Relative Importance of Multiple Data Partitions and Population Sampling.
A02292 Kime, R. D. Publication 2003 Some unpublished records of centipedes identified by Dr. E. H. Eason.
A02291 Morris, M. G. Publication 2004 A review of the Macaronesian species of Auletobius Desbrochers, 1869 (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea, Rhynchitidae).
A02290 Colonnelli, E. Publication 2005 Ten new species of Palaearctic Ceutorhynchinae (Coleoptera Curculionidae)
A02289 Askew, R. R.,Nieves Aldrey, J. L. Publication 2004 Further observations on Eupelminae ( Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Eupelmidae) in the Iberian Peninsula and Canary Islands, incluing descriptions of new species.
A02288 Vit, S. Publication 2005 Addenda to the Scydmaenid fauna of the Canary Islands (La Gomera, Gran Canaria) with emphasis on Euconophron (Coleoptera: Scydmaenidae, Cyrtoscydmini).
A02287 Smit, J. T.,Aguiar, M. F.,Wakeham-Dawson, A. Publication 2004 The hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae) of the Madeira Archipelago, Portugal.
A02286 Schülke, M. Publication 2004 Revision der paläarktischen Arten der Gattung Bryophacis Reitter, mit Bemerkungen zu Bolitobius biseriatus Mannerheim und Bolitobius filicornis Wollaston (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Tachyporinae).
A02285 Szeptycki, A. Publication 2004 Protura of the Canary Islands (Arthropoda: Protura).
A02284 Oromí, P. Expert reference 2006 Documento que asigna categoría de origen y endemicidad para artrópodos (actualizaciones del Banco de Datos realizadas entre 2006-2010).
A02282 Monserrat, V. Publication 2004 Nuevos datos sobre algunas especies de hemeróbidos (Insecta: Neuroptera: Hemerobiidae).
A02281 Crosskey, R. W.,Báez, M. Publication 2004 A synopsis of present knowledge of the Simulliidae (Diptera) of the Canary islands, including keys to the larval and pupal stages.
A02280 Hochkirch, A. Unpublished study 2002 Datos de campo de Ortroptera para Lanzarote (A.Hochkirch, 2002).
A02279 Lauterbach, K. E.,Latsch-Lauterbach, M. Publication 2004 Podalonia affinis concolor (Brullé, 1839) neu für Gran Canaria.
A02278 Oosterbroek, P.,Eiroa, E. Publication 2004 On the Tipulidae (Insecta, Diptera) of Spain, Portugal and Andorra.
A02277 Pérez De-Gregorio, J.J. Unpublished study 2005 Relación de Lepidoptera capturados en la C. A de Canarias en base al permiso de captura concedido.
A02276 Müller, A. Publication 2004 Eine neue spezies der gattung Carabus von den Karischen Inseln nebst bemerkung zu Carabus faustus Brulle 1835 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Carabini).
A02275 Jaros, J.,Spitzer, K. Publication 2005 A unique tortricid moth Cydia alazon (Diakonoff, 1976), associated with the endemic pine (Pinus canariensis) in the Canary Islands, Spain (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae).