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12.075 resultados
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P00816 Crocetta, F.,Tringali, L. P. Publicación 2017 Remarks on Philine striatula Monterosato, 1874 ex Jeffreys ms., with a survey on Philinidae J.E. Gray, 1850 (1815) sensu lato (Gastropoda: Cephalaspidea) recently ascribed to the Mediterranean fauna.
C00346 Bunbury, C.J.F. Publicación 1856 Remarks on the Botany of Madeira and Teneriffe.
A00058 Mendes, L. F. Publicación 1989 Remarks on the faunistic diversity of the Thysanurans (Microcoryphia and Zygentoma: Insecta) in the Eastern Atlantic Islands. In: 3er. International Seminar on Apterygota.
A00474 Vachon, M. Publicación 1961 Remarques sur les Pseudoscorpions de Madére, des Açores et des Canaries (Premiére note).
D00657 Schram, F.R.,Yager, J.,Emerson, M.J. Publicación 1986 Remipedia. Part I. Systematics.
F01203 García Casanova, J. Estudio no publicado 2003 Remisión informe técnico sobre afección a Atractylis preauxiana en Polígono Industrial y Puerto de Granadilla
P00468 Ribera, I.,Foster, G.N. Publicación 2018 Report of Frank Balfour-Browne’s collecting in Gran Canaria and Madeira (1932-1933), with the description of Ochthebius (Cobalius) lanthanus sp. nov. (Coleoptera, Hydraenidae).
P01416 Garcia-Livia, K.,Valladares-Salmerón, M.,Pacheco, S.,Valladares-Hernández, B.,Foronda, P. Publicación 2022 Report of Oslerus rostratus (Strongylida: Filaroididae) in cats from the Canary Islands, Spain.
A00855 Uyttenboogaart, D. Publicación 1935 Report on Canarian Coleoptera collected by R. Frey and R. Stora in 1931 for the Museum Zoologicum Universitatis Helsingfors. (Contributions to the knowledge of the Fauna of the Canary-Islands. XVI).
P00910 Henderson, J. R. Publicación 1888 Report on the Anomura.
P00729 Miers, E.J. Publicación 1886 Report on the Brachyura collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the Years 1873-76.
P00925 Spence, C Publicación 1888 Report on the Crustacea Macrura collected by the Challenger during the years 1873-76.
F01049 Andrews, S. Publicación 1984 Report on the Ilex perado complex of the north atlantic islands (Part II) In: International Dendrology Society Yearbook 1983
V00016 Trujillo Ramírez, O.,Martín Hidalgo, A.,Nogales Hidalgo, M.,Delgado Castro, G.,Sánchez, I.,Rodríguez Godoy, F. Publicación 1991 Reproducción del Gorrión molinero (Passer montanus) en las islas Canarias.
P01735 Bilbao, A.,Tuset, V. M.,Viera, M. A.,Courtois de Vicose, G,Fernández-Palacios, H.,Haroun, R.,Izquierdo, M. Publicación 2010 Reproduction, fecundity, and growth of abalone (Haliotis tuberculata Coccinea, Reeve 1846) in the Canary islands.
D01051 Anderson, G.,Bernardello, G.,Opel, M.R.,Santos, A.,Anderson, M. Publicación 2006 Reproductive biology of the dioecious canary islands endemic withania aristata (solanaceae).
F00642 Calero, A.,Santos, A. Publicación 1993 Reproductive biology of the high altitude Canarian Flora
P00945 Triay-Portella, R.,González-Pérez, J. A.,Santana, J. I.,García-Martín, V.,Romero, M.,Jiménez-Martín, S.,Hernández-Castro, D.,Pajuelo, J. G. Publicación 2014 Reproductive pattern and eggdevelopment of the deep-seacrab Paromola cuvieri (Brachyura, Homolidae) aroundthe Canary Islands (NEAtlantic).
D03564 Polifrone, M.,Gil-Rodríguez, M. C.,Domínguez-Álvarez, S.,Stroobant, M.,Viera-Rodríguez, M.A. Publicación 2012 Reproductive phenology of three species of Gelidiales (Rhodophyta) in two macroalgal communities from Tenerife (Atlantic Ocean, Canary Islands, Spain).
D01565 Sosa, P. A.,González-González, E.A.,González-Pérez, M.A.,Naranjo Cigala, A.,Carqué, E.,Acevedo, A. Publicación 2014 Reproductive strategy and ploidy determine the genetic variability of Sorbus aria.