Pleonexes helleri (Karaman, 1975)

Loading distribution of the species


Canarias Macaronesia
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Species Do not Do not
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Distribution of the species in the Biodiversity Data Bank of the Canary Islands


Pleonexes helleri (Karaman, 1975)

The taxon has been validated according to document D00142

Sub nomine

Ampithoe helleri Karaman, 1975 P01592 Brito Hernández, A., 2013, Justificación de sinonimias de especies marinas., Government of the Canary Islands.
Ampithoe helleri Karaman, 1975 P01592 Tuya, F.,PNG-González, L.,Riera, R.,Haroun, R.,Espino, F., 2014, Ecological structure and function differs between habitats dominated by seagrasses and green seaweeds., Marine Environmental Research, 13
Ampithoe helleri Karaman, 1975 P01592 Cejas, J. R.,Brito Hernández, A.,Lozano, G., 1982, Sobre algunos Gammaridos (Crustacea, Amphipoda) nuevos para la fauna marina de Canarias., Vieraea, 12
Ampithoe neglecta Lincoln, 1976 D02106 Cejas, J. R.,Brito Hernández, A.,Lozano, G., 1982, Sobre algunos Gammaridos (Crustacea, Amphipoda) nuevos para la fauna marina de Canarias., Vieraea, 12
Ampithoe helleri Karaman, 1975 P01592 Krapp-Schickel, G.,Ruffo, S., 1990, Marine amphipods of the Canary Islands with description of a new species of Elasmopus., Miscelánea Zoológica (Barcelona), 6
Ampithoe helleri Karaman, 1975 P01592 PNG-González, L.,Vázquez-Luis, M.,Tuya, F., 2014, Comparison of epifaunal assemblages between Cymodocea nodosa and Caulerpa Prolifera meadows in Gran Canaria (eastern Atlantic)., Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 13
Ampithoe helleri Karaman, 1975 P01592 Navarro-Mayoral, S.,Fernandez-Gonzalez, V.,Otero-Ferrer, F.,Tuya, F., 2020, Spatio-temporal variability of amphipod assemblages associated with rhodolith seabeds., Marine and Freshwater Research, 8