Truncatellina atomus (Shuttleworth, 1852)

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Canarias Macaronesia
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Distribution of the species in the Biodiversity Data Bank of the Canary Islands

21 results
Testacea atlantica on the land and freshwater shells of the Azores, Madeiras, Salvages, Canaries, Cape Verdes and Saint Helena. Wollaston, T. V. 1878, Publication
The 2000 IUCN Red List of Treatened Species. UICN 2000, Publication
Diagnosen einiger neuer Mollusken aus den Canarischen Inseln. Shuttleworth, R. J. 1852, Publication
Pupillidae (Vertigininae, Pupillinae). Pilsbry, H.A. 1920, Publication
Monographia Heliceorum viventium. Descriptiones systematicas et criticas omnium huius familiae, generum et especierum hodie cognitarum. Pfeiffer, L. 1853, Publication
Pleistocene forest on Tenerife’s southern coast: a case study of Montaña Negra. Pannell, C.L., Gray, A., Zalasiewicz, J.A., Branney, M.J., Curry, G.B. 2011, Publication
Révision de la Faune Malacologique des Canaries. Mousson, A. 1872, Publication
Matériaux pour une Faune Malacologique des Iles Canaries. Mabille, J. 1884, Publication
First record of Truncatellina atomus (Shuttleworth, 1852) (Gastropoda, Truncatellinidae) and Paralaoma servilis (Shuttleworth, 1852) (Gastropoda, Punctidae) from the island of Gran Canaria. Langeraert, W. 2019, Publication
Native and introduced gastropods in laurel forest on Tenerife, Canary Islands. Kappes, H., Delgado, J. D., Alonso, M. R., Ibáñez, M. 2009, Publication
Lista de especies silvestres de Canarias (hongos, plantas y animales terrestres) 2001. Consejería de Politica Territorial y Medio Ambiente, Gobierno de Canarias. Izquierdo, I., Martín, J. L., Zurita, N., Arechavaleta, M. 2001, Publication
A review of macaronesian Truncatellina (Gastropoda: Vertiginidae) with descriptions of four new species. Hutterer, R., Groh, K. 1991, Publication
Mollusca, Nematoda, Acari, Collembola, Diplura, Protura, Microcoryphia, Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Orthoptera, Embioptera, Phasmatodea. En: Lista de especies silvestres terrestres y marinas de Canarias. 2018. Hernández-Teixidor, D., Oromí, P. 2018, Unpublished study
On the identity of Helix digna Mousson, 1872, and description of another extinct helicid from La Gomera, Canary Islands. Groh, K., Hutterer, R., Voggenreiter, V. 1996, Publication
Endemicidad, origen, hábitat y validación de taxones de moluscos canarios. Groh, K., García-Ramírez, A. 1999, Expert reference
Justificación de sinonimias de Moluscos. Groh, K. 2004, Expert reference
Landschnecken aus quartären Wirbeltierfundstellen der Kanarischen Inseln (Gastropoda). Groh, K. 1985, Publication
Compositional variability of Pleistocene land snail assemblages preserved in a cinder cone volcano from Tenerife, Canary Islands. Bullard, E.M., Yanes, Y., Miller, A.I. 2017, Publication
Catalogue and bibliography of non-marine Mollusca of Macaronesia. Bank, R. A., Groh, K., Ripken, T. E. J. 2002, Publication
1996 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals. Baillie, J., Groombridge, B. 1996, Publication
Catalogación de la malacofauna terrestre endémica de Canarias, con vistas a su protección. Isla deTenerife. Alonso, M. R., Ibáñez, M., Valido, M. J., Ponte-Lira, E., Henríquez, F. 1988, Publication