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25,725 Species / subspecies
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Code Species Common / vulgar name Medium Lessons Presence Validity Status Origin Endemicity Image
A00123 Bethylus fuscicornis (Jurine, 1807) Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NP Not endemic
A00124 Cephalonomia formiciformis Westwood, 1833 Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NP Not endemic
A00125 Aleiodes ductor (Thunberg, 1822) Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NP Not endemic
A00126 Apanteles bajariae Papp, 1975 Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NP Not endemic
A00127 Bassus canariensis (Szépligeti, 1908) Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NS Endemic
A00128 Blacus nivalis van Achterberg, 1988 Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NS Endemic
A00129 Meladema imbricata (Wollaston, 1871) Buceador gigante canario Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NS Endemic
A00130 Blacus pappianus Haeselbarth, 1973 Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NP Not endemic
A00131 Laccophilus hyalinus testaceus Aubé, 1837 Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NS Not endemic
A00132 Eretes sticticus (Linnaeus, 1767) Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NS Not endemic
A00133 Heser schmitzi (Kulczynski, 1899) Land Arachnida H P G T C F L M Valid Current NS Not endemic
A00134 Centistes fuscipes (Nees, 1834) Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NP Not endemic
A00135 Cotesia vanessae (Reinhard, 1880) Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NP Not endemic
A00136 Cotesia cuprea (Lyle, 1925) Land Insecta H P G T C F L M To be confirmed Current NP Not endemic
A00137 Chelonus annulatus (Nees, 1816) Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NP Not endemic
A00138 Chelonus inanitus (Linnaeus, 1767) Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NP Not endemic
A00139 Chelonus oculator (Fabricius, 1775) Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NP Not endemic
A00140 Cybister tripunctatus africanus Laporte, 1835 Dítico africano Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NS Not endemic
A00141 Chorebus canariensis Griffiths, 1964 Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NS Not endemic
A00142 Ochthebius lapidicola Wollaston, 1864 Land Insecta H P G T C F L M Valid Current NS Endemic