Loading distribution of the species

Validity of the taxon


Geographic locations

Location Brezal, El (Frontera)
Situation El Hierro
Year 1982
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Dehesa, La
Situation El Hierro
Year 1982
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Golfo, El (Cuadrículas de 5000x5000 m)
Situation El Hierro
Year 1996
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 3
Location Pinar, El (Valverde)
Situation El Hierro
Year 1996
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Tiñor
Situation El Hierro
Year 1982
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 1