Veröffentlichung D00384
A reinvestigation of Macaronesian seaweed as studied by A. Piccone with remarks on those studied by A. Grunow.

Vollständiger Titel

A reinvestigation of Macaronesian seaweed as studied by A. Piccone with remarks on those studied by A. Grunow.


Prud´homme van Reine, W. F.
Haroun, R.
Audiffred, P. A. J.

Bibliographische Daten

Typ Arbeit im Magazin
Magazin Nova Hedwigia
ISBN 0029-5035
Volumen 1
Anzahl 58
Seiten 67-121
Dokumentseiten 15
Schlüsselwörter BIOGEOGRAPHIE, Fotos, Zeichnungen



Data Management

Betreiber García Alonso, Laura
Supervisor Afonso Carrillo, Julio
hoch 14-06-2011
Rezension 14-06-2011
Endorsement Supervisor 28-03-2012


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