Veröffentlichung D00903
Analysis of regeneration of coexisting introduced versus native species of pine in the Canary Islands.

Vollständiger Titel

Analysis of regeneration of coexisting introduced versus native species of pine in the Canary Islands.


Arévalo, J. R.
Naranjo Cigala, A.
Agudo, L.
Salas, M.

Bibliographische Daten

Typ Buchkapitel
Leitartikel Charles P. Wilcox and Randall B. Turpin
Seiten 21-31
Dokumentseiten 6
Schlüsselwörter BIOGEOGRAPHIE



Data Management

Betreiber de la Cruz López, Salvador
Supervisor de la Cruz López, Salvador
hoch 18-07-2013
Rezension 09-10-2014
Endorsement Supervisor 09-10-2014
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