Publication D01074
Environmental correlates of darkling beetle population size (Col. Tenebrionidae) on the Cañadas of Teide in Tenerife (Canary Islands).

Full title

Environmental correlates of darkling beetle population size (Col. Tenebrionidae) on the Cañadas of Teide in Tenerife (Canary Islands).


De Los Santos, A.
Alonso, E.J.
Hernández, E.
Pérez, A.M.

Bibliographic data

Kind Work in magazine
Magazine Journal of Arid Environments
Volume 50
pages 287-308
Document pages 11
Keywords ECOLOGY



Management data

Operator Morales Delgado, Helena
Supervisor Morales Delgado, Helena
high 15-04-2014
Review 15-04-2014
Seen good supervisor 15-04-2014
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