Veröffentlichung D01528
Hybridization and Introgression Between the Endemic Phoenix canariensis and the Introduced P. dactylifera in the Canary Islands.

Vollständiger Titel

Hybridization and Introgression Between the Endemic Phoenix canariensis and the Introduced P. dactylifera in the Canary Islands.


González-Pérez, M.A.
Sosa, P. A.

Bibliographische Daten

Typ Arbeit im Magazin
Magazin The Open Forest Science Journal
ISBN 1874-3986
Seiten 78-85
Dokumentseiten 4
Schlüsselwörter BIOGEOGRAPHIE



Data Management

Betreiber de la Cruz López, Salvador
Supervisor de la Cruz López, Salvador
hoch 14-08-2015
Rezension 14-08-2015
Endorsement Supervisor 14-08-2015
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