Publication D01832
A new Tetranchyroderma species (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida, Thaumastodermatidae) from the Canary Islands (Spain).

Full title

A new Tetranchyroderma species (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida, Thaumastodermatidae) from the Canary Islands (Spain).


Todaro, M.A.
Ancona, P.
Marzano, A.
Gallo D´Addabbo, M.
De Zio Grimaldi, S.

Bibliographic data

Kind Work in magazine
Magazine Cahiers de Biologie Marine
ISBN 0007-9723
Number 44
pages 191-197
Document pages 7



Management data

Operator Febles Ferrera, Sara
Supervisor Brito Hernández, Alberto
high 15-06-2016
Review 15-06-2016
Seen good supervisor 06-07-2016
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