Publication D02611
Artificial marine habitats favour a single fish species on a long-term scale: the dominance of Boops boops around off-shore fish cages.

Full title

Artificial marine habitats favour a single fish species on a long-term scale: the dominance of Boops boops around off-shore fish cages.


Riera, R.
Sánchez-Jerez, P.
Rodríguez, M.
Monterroso, Ó.

Bibliographic data

Kind Work in magazine
Magazine Scientia Marina
ISBN 0214-8358
Volume 78
Number 4
pages 505-510
Document pages 3



Management data

Operator Suárez Ramos, Daniel Suárez Ramos
Supervisor Zurita Pérez, Nieves
high 21-02-2018
Review 06-03-2018
Seen good supervisor 06-03-2018
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