Publication D02639
Comparison of Morphometrics of Atlantic and Pacific Specimens of the False Catshark, Pseudotriakis microdon, with Notes on Stomach Contents.

Full title

Comparison of Morphometrics of Atlantic and Pacific Specimens of the False Catshark, Pseudotriakis microdon, with Notes on Stomach Contents.


Yano, K.
Musick, J. A.

Bibliographic data

Kind Work in magazine
Magazine Copeia
pages 877-886
Document pages 6



Management data

Operator Suárez Ramos, Daniel Suárez Ramos
Supervisor Zurita Pérez, Nieves
high 22-02-2018
Review 06-03-2018
Seen good supervisor 06-03-2018


Las coordenadas se obtuvieron de FishBase para los ejemplares AMNH 7185 y AMNH 7186.
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