Publication F00121
Comparative ecological study on the evergreen broad-leaved forest in the Canaries and Japan. In: Kunio Suzuki (Ed.) Researches related to the UNESCO's Man and Biosphere Programm in Japan 1997-1998.

Full title

Comparative ecological study on the evergreen broad-leaved forest in the Canaries and Japan. In: Kunio Suzuki (Ed.) Researches related to the UNESCO's Man and Biosphere Programm in Japan 1997-1998.


Ohsawa, M.
Nakamura, Y.
Eguchi, T.
Takada, M.
Ohtsuka, T.
Wildpret, W.
del Arco, M.
Shumiya, T.
Reyes-Betancort, J. A.

Bibliographic data

Kind Chapter of the book
Editorial Japanese Coordinating Committee for MAB
pages 9-16
Document pages 8



Management data

Operator Marrero Gómez, María del Carmen
Supervisor Romaguera García, Francisco Romagera García
high 21-04-1999
Review 28-07-1999
Seen good supervisor 13-05-2010
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