Publication F00577
Essential oils and antimicrobial activity of two varieties of Cedronella canariensis (L.) W. et B.

Full title

Essential oils and antimicrobial activity of two varieties of Cedronella canariensis (L.) W. et B.


López-García, R. E.
Hernández-Pérez , M.
Rabanal, R. M.
Darias, V.
Martín-Herrera, D.
Arias, A.
Sanz, J.

Bibliographic data

Kind Work in magazine
Magazine Journal of Ethnopharmacology
ISBN 0378-8741/94
Volume 36
pages 207-211
Document pages 5
Keywords BIOLOGY



Management data

Operator Marrero Gómez, María del Carmen
Supervisor Acebes Ginovés, Juan Ramón
high 28-03-2000
Review 28-03-2000
Seen good supervisor 19-05-2000
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