Loading distribution of the species

Validity of the taxon



Sideritis dasygnaphala (Webb & Berthel.) Clos emend. Svent.
P00419 - Reyes-Betancort, J. A.

Geographic locations

Location Caldera de Tejeda (1500 m.s.m.)
Situation Gran Canaria
Year 1983
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Timagada (Bco. del Chorrillo) (1250 m.s.m.)
Situation Gran Canaria
Year 1983
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Volcán de las Arenas (1580-1590 m.s.m.)
Situation Gran Canaria
Year 1983
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2