Loading distribution of the species

Validity of the taxon



Micromeria varia Benth.
F00010 - Acebes, J. R.
Micromeria varia Benth. subsp. varia
P00419 - Reyes-Betancort, J. A.

Geographic locations

Location Punta de Juan Centellas
Situation Tenerife
Year 1996
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Roque Tenejías (700 m.s.m.)
Situation Tenerife
Year 1996
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Espigón de Ibos (900 m.s.m.)
Situation La Gomera
Year 1996
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Punta del Jurado
Situation La Gomera
Year 1996
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Roque de Aluse (325 m.s.m.)
Situation La Gomera
Year 1996
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Riscos de Epina-Alojera (800 m.s.m.)
Situation La Gomera
Year 1996
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Taparucha Real-Bco. de Izcagüe (345 m.s.m.)
Situation La Gomera
Year 1996
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Roque Vizcaino (Bco. Juan López)
Situation Tenerife
Year 1996
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2