Loading distribution of the species

Validity of the taxon



Scrophularia langeana Bolle
F00278 - Hansen, A., Sunding, P.
Scrophularia smithii Hornem.
F00321 - Acebes, J. R.

Geographic locations

Location Guancha (900-1100)
Situation Tenerife
Year 1910
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Bco. de Castro (San Juan de La Rambla-Los Realejos)
Situation Tenerife
Year 1910
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2
Location Vueltas de Taganana (400-900 m.s.m.)
Situation Tenerife
Year 1910
Presence Yes
Beaching Do not
Trust Seguro
Precision 2