Publication F00940
Avena canariensis: morphological and electrophoretic polymorphism and relationship to the A. Magna-A. Murphyi complex and A. sterilis

Full title

Avena canariensis: morphological and electrophoretic polymorphism and relationship to the A. Magna-A. Murphyi complex and A. sterilis


Craig, I.L.
Murray, B.E.
Rajhathy, T.

Bibliographic data

Kind Work in magazine
Magazine Can.J.Genet.Cytol.
Volume 16
pages 677-689
Document pages 13



Management data

Operator Rodríguez Núñez, Sofía
Supervisor Acebes Ginovés, Juan Ramón
high 06-02-2002
Review 06-02-2002
Seen good supervisor 08-11-2002
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