Publication F00971
Germination of the laurel forest species. II. Garajonay National Park. Canary Islands

Full title

Germination of the laurel forest species. II. Garajonay National Park. Canary Islands


Bañares, A.
Melo, N.
Herrero, N.
Vera, M.C.

Bibliographic data

Kind Work in magazine
Magazine Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal (Funchal)
ISBN 0870-3876
Volume Sup. 4
pages 65-82
Document pages 10



Management data

Operator Rodríguez Navarro, María Leticia
Supervisor Acebes Ginovés, Juan Ramón
high 22-02-2002
Review 22-02-2002
Seen good supervisor 08-11-2002
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