Publication F01563
The genus Sideroxylon (Sapotaceae) on the Madeira, Canary Islands and Cape Verde archipelagoes.

Full title

The genus Sideroxylon (Sapotaceae) on the Madeira, Canary Islands and Cape Verde archipelagoes.


Lobin, W.
Leyens, T.
Santos, A.
Costa-Neves, H.
Gomes, I.

Bibliographic data

Kind Work in magazine
Magazine Vieraea
ISBN 0210-945X
Volume 33
pages 119-144
Document pages 12



Management data

Operator Romaguera García, Francisco Romagera García
Supervisor Romaguera García, Francisco Romagera García
high 05-04-2006
Review 05-04-2006
Seen good supervisor 11-11-2015
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