Publication F01575
Effect of native and alien vertebrate frugivores on seed viability and germinatión patterns of Rubia fruticosa (Rubiaceae) in the eastern Canary Islands.

Full title

Effect of native and alien vertebrate frugivores on seed viability and germinatión patterns of Rubia fruticosa (Rubiaceae) in the eastern Canary Islands.


Nogales Hidalgo, M.
Nieves, C.
Illera, J. C.
Padilla, D.P.
Traveset, A.

Bibliographic data

Kind Work in magazine
Magazine Functianal ecology
Volume 19
pages 429-436
Document pages 8



Management data

Operator de la Cruz López, Salvador
Supervisor Acebes Ginovés, Juan Ramón
high 20-09-2006
Review 02-01-2007
Seen good supervisor 16-10-2007
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