Publication F01790
Molecular systematics of Descurainia (Brassicaceae) in the Canary Islands: biogeographic and taxonomic implications.

Full title

Molecular systematics of Descurainia (Brassicaceae) in the Canary Islands: biogeographic and taxonomic implications.


Goodson, B. E.
Santos, A.
Jansen, R. K.

Bibliographic data

Kind Work in magazine
Magazine Taxon
ISBN 0040-0262
Number 55
pages 671-682
Document pages 6



Management data

Operator de la Cruz López, Salvador
Supervisor de la Cruz López, Salvador
high 14-05-2010
Review 14-05-2010
Seen good supervisor 14-05-2010


- El material biológico colectado a partir de plantas cultivadas no se ha incorporado a la Base.
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