Distribution of land snails (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata) on the island of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) in relation to protected natural areas.
Ibáñez, M.
Alonso, M. R.
Henríquez, F.
Valido, M. J.
Kind | Work in magazine |
Magazine | Biodiversity and Conservation |
ISBN | 0960-3115 |
Volume | 6 |
Number | 4 |
pages | 627-632 |
Document pages | 4 |
1997 |
Operator | García Ramírez, Ana |
Supervisor | Oromí Masoliver, Pedro |
high | 13-10-1998 |
Review | 04-06-2005 |
Seen good supervisor | 12-06-2019 |
-No se ha podido precisar para H. saulcyi carta las localidades entre Agaete y La Isleta (fósiles).
- Para la distribución de Hemicycla saulcyi saulcyi y Napaeus isletae ver Referencia de Experto M00187.
36 results
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