Veröffentlichung M00113
Description of a new species of Vitrina, and new forms of Helicidae, with a list of the helicoid shells hitherto found in the Canary Islands.

Vollständiger Titel

Description of a new species of Vitrina, and new forms of Helicidae, with a list of the helicoid shells hitherto found in the Canary Islands.


Gude, G. K.

Bibliographische Daten

Typ Arbeit im Magazin
Magazin Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London
Volumen 2
Seiten 15-22
Dokumentseiten 2
Schlüsselwörter BIOGEOGRAPHIE, TAXONOMIE, Zeichnungen



Data Management

Betreiber García Ramírez, Ana
Supervisor Oromí Masoliver, Pedro
hoch 04-05-1999
Rezension 31-01-2000
Endorsement Supervisor 27-07-2015


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