Publication M00157
Plutonia (Canarivitrina), new subgenus, from the Canary Islands, and the phylogenetic relationships of the subfamily Plutoniinae (Gastropoda: Limacoidea: Vitrinidae).

Full title

Plutonia (Canarivitrina), new subgenus, from the Canary Islands, and the phylogenetic relationships of the subfamily Plutoniinae (Gastropoda: Limacoidea: Vitrinidae).


Alonso, M. R.
Valido, M. J.
Groh, K.
Ibáñez, M.

Bibliographic data

Kind Work in magazine
Magazine Malacología
Volume 42
Number 1-2
pages 39-62
Document pages 21



Management data

Operator García Ramírez, Ana
Supervisor Ibáñez Genís, Miguel
high 16-04-2002
Review 16-04-2002
Seen good supervisor 10-12-2002
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