Publication V00413
Taxonomic status and origin of the shrews (Soricidae) from the Canary Islands inferred from a mtDNA comparison with the European Crocidura species.

Full title

Taxonomic status and origin of the shrews (Soricidae) from the Canary Islands inferred from a mtDNA comparison with the European Crocidura species.


Vogel, P.
Cosson, J.-F.
López-Jurado, L. F.

Bibliographic data

Kind Work in magazine
Magazine Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution
Volume 27
pages 271-282
Document pages 27



Management data

Operator Martín González, María Esther
Supervisor Martín González, María Esther
high 23-01-2003
Review 19-08-2003
Seen good supervisor 19-08-2003
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