Veröffentlichung V00633
New fossil records of choughs genus Pyrrhocorax in the Canary Islands: hypotheses to explain its extinction and current narrow distribution.

Vollständiger Titel

New fossil records of choughs genus Pyrrhocorax in the Canary Islands: hypotheses to explain its extinction and current narrow distribution.


Rando, J. C.

Bibliographische Daten

Typ Arbeit im Magazin
Magazin Ardeola
Volumen 54
Anzahl 2
Seiten 185-195
Dokumentseiten 6



Data Management

Betreiber de la Cruz López, Salvador
Supervisor de la Cruz López, Salvador
hoch 14-04-2010
Rezension 14-04-2010
Endorsement Supervisor 14-04-2010
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