Publication V00636
Phylogeography of the blue tit (Parus teneriffae-group) on the Canary Islands based on mitochondrial DNA sequence data and morphometrics.

Full title

Phylogeography of the blue tit (Parus teneriffae-group) on the Canary Islands based on mitochondrial DNA sequence data and morphometrics.


Dietzen, C.
García del Rey, E.
Delgado Castro, G.
Wink, M.

Bibliographic data

Kind Work in magazine
Magazine Journal of Ornithology
Volume 149
Number 1
pages 1-12
Document pages 6



Management data

Operator de la Cruz López, Salvador
Supervisor de la Cruz López, Salvador
high 16-04-2010
Review 16-04-2010
Seen good supervisor 16-04-2010
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