Trebouxia jamesii (Hildreth & Ahmadjian) Gärtner

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Canarias Macaronesia
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Distribution of the species in the Biodiversity Data Bank of the Canary Islands


Trebouxia jamesii (Hildreth & Ahmadjian) Gärtner

The taxon has been validated according to document D00142

5 results
Two Trebouxia algae with different physiological performances are ever-present in lichen thalli of Tamalina farinacea. Coexistence versus Competition? Casano, L.M., Del Campo, E. M., García-Breijo, F.J., Reig-Armiñana, J., Gasulla, F., Hoyo, A., Guéra, A., Barreno, E. 2011, Publication
Documento de validación de taxones en el Banco de Datos de Biodiversidad de Canarias, 2011-2024. Consejo Asesor Taxonómico 2024, Expert reference
The genetic structure of the cosmopolitan three-partner lichen Ramalina farinacea evidences the concerted diversification of symbionts. Del Campo, E. M., Catalá, S., Gimeno, J., Hoyo, A., Martínez-Alberola, F., Casano, L.M., Grube,M, Barreno, E. 2013, Publication
South European populations of Ramalina farinacea (L.) Ach. share different Trebouxia algae. Del Campo, E. M., Gimeno, J., De Nova, J.P.G., Casano, L.M., Gasulla, F., García-Breijo, F.J., Reig-Armiñana, J., Barreno, E. 2010, Publication
Reino Chromista, Plantae (marino). En: Lista de especies silvestres terrestres y marinas de Canarias. 2018. Sansón, M., Rancel-Rodríguez, N., Afonso-Carrillo, J. 2018, Unpublished study