Mantenimiento programado (scheduled maintenance) el
Falco tinnunculus dacotiae Hartert, 1913
Cernícalo majorero, cernícalo vulgar
Canarias Gender Do not
Species Do not
Subspecies Yes
Macaronesia Gender Do not
Species Do not
Subspecies Yes
Distribution in the Canary Islands
Click to see the detailed distribution in the Biodiversity Data Bank of the Canary Islands
  • High confidence - Land
  • High confidence - Marine (<200m)
  • Medium / low confidence
  • No information

  • With presence in the sea
  • No presence at sea
Worldwide distribution

Canary endemic

Distribution in the Canary Islands

Practically the whole of Fuerteventura (including Lobos), the whole island of Lanzarote, and the Chinijo archipelago (Graciosa, Alegranza, Montaña Clara and Roque del Este).



It abounds especially at low altitudes, although it also occupies other habitats such as more or less open pine forests, and even the high mountain scrub. It also regularly penetrates towns and cities. They usually place the nest in small hollows or ledges on cliffs, cliff walls, coastal cliffs and trees. In towns and cities it can reproduce in buildings, and even in abandoned houses. Outside of the breeding season, dispersive movements of juveniles occur. (Martín & Lorenzo, 2001)

Catálogo Español/LESRPE
Island Category
Fuerteventura Régimen de protección especial
Lanzarote Régimen de protección especial
Convenio de Bonn
Island Category
Lanzarote Apéndice 2
Fuerteventura Apéndice 2
Convenio de Berna
Island Category
Lanzarote Anejo II
Fuerteventura Anejo II
Island Category
Fuerteventura Apéndice II
Lanzarote Apéndice II
Sexenal 2008-2012
Sexenal 2013-2018
Ministerio de Transición Ecológica. Libros Rojos
UICN. Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza
GBIF-España. Global Biodiversity Information Facility