Veröffentlichung A02168
Lost and found: rediscovery of type material of some species of the spider genus Dysdera (Araneae, Dysderidae) from the Canary Islands, and its nomenclatural and taxonomic implications.

Vollständiger Titel

Lost and found: rediscovery of type material of some species of the spider genus Dysdera (Araneae, Dysderidae) from the Canary Islands, and its nomenclatural and taxonomic implications.


Arnedo, M. A.

Bibliographische Daten

Typ Arbeit im Magazin
Magazin Revista Ibérica de Aracnología
Volumen 7
Seiten 141-148
Dokumentseiten 7



Data Management

Betreiber García Ramírez, Ana
Supervisor García Ramírez, Ana
hoch 10-09-2003
Rezension 11-09-2003
Endorsement Supervisor 11-09-2003
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