Publication A02168
Lost and found: rediscovery of type material of some species of the spider genus Dysdera (Araneae, Dysderidae) from the Canary Islands, and its nomenclatural and taxonomic implications.

Titre complet

Lost and found: rediscovery of type material of some species of the spider genus Dysdera (Araneae, Dysderidae) from the Canary Islands, and its nomenclatural and taxonomic implications.


Arnedo, M. A.

Données bibliographiques

Type Travailler dans le magazine
Magazine Revista Ibérica de Aracnología
Volume 7
Pages 141-148
Pages de documents 7



Gestion des données

Opérateur García Ramírez, Ana
Superviseur García Ramírez, Ana
Haut 10-09-2003
Examen 11-09-2003
Superviseur Approbation 11-09-2003
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